
Dark Thoughts


michaela gleave said...

Hey Chris, Ben needs to email you something but we've lost your email!!! A fun illustration gig.

My email is contact@michaelagleave.com and Ben's is brainplug@netspace.net.au

Yay! Hope you guys are well!

Bee the Comics Widow said...

The store is covered in red tape that reads "SALE STARTS SOON", there is a sign at the door stating the sale is "under construction" alongside the date the sale actually starts, and yet people still ask if the sale is on now. I'll never forget the customer who watched me drag out a huge line of "SALE STARTS SOON" tape right in front of him, consider it for a second, read it out to himself and then ask me, "What does that mean?"
It's hard to maintain a straight face in retail sometimes.

tricky said...

I'm convinced that Kathmandu is constructed over a hellmouth.

After all - what was that devilish thing that used to be there? Some sort of olde worlde indoor fun park thing?
pure evil.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused...are you wanting to clean her ear out with a screw driver? You gotta love customer service!--Andy