Despite that, I'm going to make a greater effort to post cartoons that I publish in the Mercury more often.

This was my first autobio cartoon that I got published. If any of you haven't checked out Ali Ferzat's cartoon work, you should. He has a very simple style and his cartoons communicate complex ideas clearly for being in a different language. Very impressive stuff. Also check out the self-portrait he drew from hospital!

That Ali Ferzat self-portrait is fucking brilliant. Great stuff, Chris, and I've been loving your Clementine posts on Facebook. She's adorable.
Love Julia's elocution lesson, Chris. You've written her horrible accent so well!
yea ali ferzat seems awesome! and congratulations on Clementine! she's going to be very artsy!
Hey Chris, Isn't there some you've missed here??? MORE MORE!!!
Congratulations on you new baby!!! Where are the baby pictures?
And as always, I love the comics!
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