I've been busy over the past three days. Three cartoons in a row - and two of them were weekend cartoons nonetheless! This first one is my favourite because a) I got to draw a ghost and b) Lara Giddings is getting increasingly more fun to draw. It's kind of an homage to Dave Cooper - what with the large eyes and disproportionate body.
Those of you living in Australia will most likely already know about Tony Abbott and Christopher Pyne sprinting to get away from Craig Thomson's "tainted" vote. While most everyone is rolling their eyes and groaning over how juvenile these politicians are acting in Parliament, I bet all the political cartoonists in Australia were cheering them on. I swear I could hear a collective scrambling-towards-their-drawing-desk as this news broke.

The bland background colour was intentional - I wanted to make the waiting room seem boring. But the composition is bland, too. And for me, that kind of kills the joke.
So, I've been mulling over this cartoon ever since I sent it to the Mercury to be printed. How could I have made this better? How can I avoid this happening again?
Well, for one thing, I could've added some more waiting patients in the foreground. Let's face it, this cartoon has a middle ground and a background, but that's it. More patients would've accentuated the joke.
I could've also worked from a different perspective. Maybe have the two people walking further down the hall. (One is Tanya Plibersek - the woman who got in trouble for having satirical posters of Tony Abbott hanging up in a back room in her Sydney electorate office where no one except staff members would actually see.) The poster could be hanging in the foreground with heaps of patients waiting.
I could have also probably thrown a skeleton in there somewhere as well.
You live and you learn, right?
Well, instead of ending this post on a low note, here's some life drawing that I did this week. The model was pregnant - which is a rare thing to get to draw.
Beautiful work, sir, as always. Where do you go to do your figure drawing?
Hey Matt, I go to a small group in South Hobart. It's only $10. Really cheap. You should fly down and join us sometime! Hell if you do, I'll pay for your way in!
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