

Christopher Downes said...

I'm still a day behind on these. Hopefully, I can catch up on Friday.

This is basically what was going through my head all night last night. I weep for myself.

Dojang said...

dude...you could have saved about, i dunno, 30 min work by just taking that first panel and copy-pasting in MS paint...and then carefully copypasting your speech bubbles on top.

also, i know what that feels like...

Christopher Downes said...

Yeah, I know I could have saved time by copying and pasting, but I always notice it when other artists do that and it cheapens their work. Plus, I'm doing this to hone and refine my skills. So, it's the hard way for me!

Dojang said...

(grin) good point. i notice that too. what can sometimes look good is slight edits, or little environment effects...they tend to break up that 'motionless talking heads' thing...but i dig what you've done here.