
My Civil War Comic: Part 3


Matt said...

That's a powerful last panel. How can you have natural cliff-hangers every 2-3 pages? Lovin' it. Is this a true family story or something?

Box Brown said...

These are awesome

FerGil said...

I read the three parts in a row, and I have to say I LOVED it. Can't wait for the next one, hoping it will not be a 4-part story, but something a little longer. Also, the post on your method is very good. I enjoy seeing the way other people work, and your work is awesome.

Christopher Downes said...

Thanks guys!

Matt- I think it's a true story. I've got this fear that once I finish it, I'll get an email from some Civil War Bureau saying that the story is a myth that pretty much every family tells it as their own. All I can say for certain was that this story was told by my Grandmother when I was a kid.

Fergil- Awww MAN! It is a 4-part story. That's kinda good, though because all the crosshatching is killing my wrist.

FerGil said...

I wouldn't mind a sequel... that would have to be written by you, but if you keep the tone you're setting in this tale, it would be awesome.

About the wrist, what can I say? work hazards are a pain, lol

Virus Visal said...

oh god im nervous!! whats gonna happen now!?
im loving it :3!